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sponsored by OLYMPUS ITALIA

sponsored by OLYMPUS ITALIA

IN courses
Course Director:
Dr. Guido Giusti
Course Vice Director:
Dr. Silvia Proietti
Course date:
21st June 2016
Milano. IRCCS, Ospedale San Raffaele-Turro
Sponsored by:
Olympus Italia
About Course


2 RIRS for urolithiasis + 1 supine Miniperc + RIRS for Haematuria and suspicious cytology have been carried out uneventfully.
Picture 1: Coronal CT scan of the 1st patient (right RIRS): 1 impacted 2cm right upper ureteric stone (HU 1450) with severe hydronefrosis is showed
Picture 2: Coronal CT scan of the 3rd patient (right RIRS): a 1 cm right renal stone (HU 1400) in a stented patient is showed. Patient had previous FURS failure elsewhere
Picture 3: Axial CT scan of the 4th patient (left Miniperc): a 1,8 cm left renal stone (HU 1300) is showed


Dr. Boris di Pasquale e Inf. Luca Mancini , Ospedale San Salvatore, L’Aquila
Dr. Alessandra Moroni e Inf. Carla Troppa, Spedali Civili di Brescia
Dr. Sofia Caldarelli e Inf. Alida Leardini, Ospedale di Legnano
Dr. Floriano Beleggia e Inf. Ramona Trafuoci, Ospedale SS Annunziata, Taranto
Dr. Maria Abbinate e dr. Marta Rossanese, Clinica Urologica, Az. Osp. Università Udine

Together with:
Luca Lamberti, Marta Tavola e Marco Grossi, OLYMPUS ITALIA

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