sponsored by COLOPLAST ITALY
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Two supine PCNLs and 2 RIRSs for urolithiasis have been carried out uneventfully.
Picture 1: Coronal CT scan of the 1st patient (left URS/RIRS): a left ureteral proximal stone of 2 cm in diameter is showed in a patient with concomitant severe hydronephrosis.
Picture 2: Axial and coronal CT scan of the 2nd patient (right PCNL): a 3 cm renal stone (HU 1200) of the right pelvis is showed.
Picture 3: CT of 3rd patient (left URS and RIRS): a left ureteral stone of 7 mm in diameter is showed in a patient with bilateral medullary sponge kidneys.
Picture 4: Coronal CT scan of the 4th patient (left ultramini-PCNL ) : a 1.3 cm stone of the left renal pelvis is showed (HU 1300).
Dr Massimo Ciro Camerota, Urologist at Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri Hospital, Pavia, Italy
Dr Tiziano Cebrelli, Urologist at San Matteo Hospital, Pavia, Italy
Dr Davide Abed, Urologist at “Di Circolo” Hospital, Rho, Italy
Dr Matteo Zanoni, Urologist at “Istituto Auxologico”, Milan, Italy
Professor Cho SY, Assistant Professor of Urology at University of Seoul, Seoul, South Corea
Together with:
Mrs Elena Gualandi, Marketing coordinator, Coloplast Italy
Mr. Roberto Freddi, sales Representive, Coloplast Italy
Mr. Massimo Romagnolo, Sales Representive, Coloplast Italy
Mr. Salvo Callea, Sales Representive, Karl Storz Italy